Michigan DUI Lawyer

Drunk Driving, DUI-OWI Attorney in Michigan
Protecting Your Rights in Michigan Drunk Driving Cases
Were you recently arrested in Michigan for DUI, DWI, OWI, or drunk driving?
Are you concerned about the status of your driving privileges in the state?
Do you want an experienced and skilled DUI/OWI attorney to aggressively speak for your interests?
We are committed to excellence in representing you, at the Law Office of Julian J. Poota, PLLC. Our respected, Michigan-born and educated DUI defense lawyer takes charge of your drunk driving case from start to finish. We want to put you back on the road as soon as possible, so you can continue pursuing your livelihood.
Attorney Julian J. Poota has received training and a Certificate of Completion in standardized field sobriety testing, including the one leg stand (OLS), the walk and turn (WAT), and horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN).
We question the validity of breath and field sobriety tests. We carefully examine every facet of your drunk driving arrest. We argue for reductions and dismissals of charges, and alternative penalties that can restore your driving privileges.
You can count on our DUI legal knowledge and maximum client availability when we defend you against charges related to:
- OWI (Operating While Intoxicated, also known as DWI , DUI, OUI, or OUIL)
- OWVI (Operating While Visibly Impaired)
- OWI Causing Death or Serious Impairment
- Super Drunk-High BAC (Operating with BAC of .17 or more)
- Zero Tolerance Violation (Under 21 years old with BAC .02 or more)
- OWI 2nd Offense
- OWI Felony 3rd Offense
- 4th Habitual Felony OWI
- Child Endangerment
- OUID (Operating under the Influence of Drugs
- OWPD (Operating with the Presence of Drugs)
- Boating under the influence
- Snowmobiling under the influence
- Minor in possession (MIP)
- Operating with open container or intoxicants
- Possession of a firearm while intoxicated
- Driver’s license revocation and reinstatement
Your rights are important to us. Your future is at stake. Give your driving record and freedom of movement every chance by being in touch with our Southfield DUI defense law office. We want to do everything we can to put these drunk driving legal troubles in the past.
We also handle license restoration issues, including representation in:
- Driver Assessment and Appeal Division (DAAD) Hearings
- Driver License Appeal Division (DLAD) Hearings
For a free initial consultation with the respected Law Office of Julian J. Poota, PLLC, all you have to do is contact us at (888) 399-7979.